West Africa examination council general certificates of Education (WAEC GCE) Rules And Regulation That Interested Candidates Should learn to avoid exams cancellation and rejection by waec board
1. Candidates should view the Information VCD before they register for the examination.
2. Interested Candidates should note that examination fees are not refundable.
3. Interested Candidates should print the examination Timetable at the completion of their registration.
4. Entries must be uploaded with good quality passport size photographs, not “wait and get” photographs. The background of such photographs SHOULD NOT BE BLUE OR RED. The size should be 275 by 314 pixels. Entries with unacceptable passport photographs will be rejected.
5. Interest Candidates should study the Regulations and Syllabuses as well as the Timetable for the examination which they can download from WAEC’s official website (www.waeconline.org.ng ) using their registration PIN.
6. All candidates must go to their examination halls in mufti and without arms. No professional uniform of any kind will be allowed in the examination hall.
7. The entire results of any candidate who sit for the examination in more than one centre will be cancelled.
8. Smoking is not allowed in the examination hall.
9. Any candidate that comes into the examination hall with mobile phone and /or electronic or communication gadgets will have his or her entire results cancelled.
10. Interested candidates must ensure that their entries are correctly uploaded, as the Council will not be held responsible for errors From any candidates. request for correction will be allowed on any information which a candidate voluntarily gives at the point of registration as soon as the examination commences.
11. Interested Candidates must come into the examination hall with their original photo cards.
12. Candidates who engage in examination malpractice will not only have their results cancelled but may be prosecuted.
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