Steps To Follow When Writing English Essay: Essay Writing Ideas

Essay writing section carries loads of mark in any Exams, if you can master the basic steps of writing it. Although, exam rules some time put tension on student, thereby deprived them of thinking what they want to write but instead of writing without direction its better you follow simple basic rudiment you are about to read below to help you pull down the almighty fear in essay writting. 

Writing a good essay needs some planning. Many students fail simply because they fail to plan before writing. These are basically four stages you have to quickly pass through in writing a good essay.

Basic Idea To Follow when Writing English Essay:

(i) gathering ideas

(ii) organizing the ideas

(iii) developing the ideas and

(iv) revising the ideas.

1. Gathering the ideas

    This involves reading thoroughly the question you have chosen to answer so the subject of the question may be grasped. You have to find out what you are required to write. Always make sure that you choose the question which you can best write on, in terms of number of valuable and relevant points and ideas. Then interpret your question very.well and make sure that you have enough points and ideas to answer all the parts of the question to earn a good mark. For example,a student who answers a question which asks him to describe the part he played in a recent disturbance in his school in which valuable school equipments was damaged and apologise for his involvement will not earn a good mark under content if he treats only one parts of the question. After taking care of this, put down on a rough paper all relevant facts and points.that come into your mind.

2. Organizing the Ideas

  After putting down all relevant points as they occur to you indiscriminately on a rough paper, thing is to re-arrange them in an outline. Make sure that you have an outline before writing your essay. The points are to be arranged in logical order and in form of paragraghs.

   Every paragraph should contain one central idea and all paragraghs must be linked to form a coherent whole. You should note that a few points.well arranged and fully developed by apt illustrations and experiences make a better impression than proffusion.of ideas put together without logical arrangement. Your points.should be arranged as to lead to an effective conclusion.

3. Developing the Ideas: 

You are expected to develop your.essay from the outline you have written. Your paragraphs.must be well-developed. In essence, each points must be fully developed with apt illustrations, experiences and examples in order to earn a good mark.
    Make use of simple and straight-forward sentences; avoid writing long sentences so as not to make your sentences too clumsy and unclear. A good essay requires clarity of expression and thought. Also pay adequate attention to punctuation and grammar.

4. Revising the Ideas:

 Don't be in a hurry to submit your paper without reading over what you have written. This will enable you to detect some errors which could still be corrected. You should not be too sure of yourself not to make mistakes.

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