Literary Period is a time and place characterized by an assemblage of interrelated cultural, societal, ideological, technological, historic, and other trends
—in other words, a milieu—in which related groups of authors wrote.
Although, some ages in literature can't be vividly recall but some literary period event ranging from 1558 - 1649 can't be easily forego in the history of literary study due to remarkable rememberable events that took place in literature world that time.
-- However its very paramount for student of literature aiming distinction to master the historical ages and period of notable writers that has contributed immensely to growth of literature as updated below
1. JACOBEAN AGE : is the period that covers the reign of King James 1 (Jacobs in Latin) between 1603 and 1625.
It was the period of great development in prose writing. It was during the period that the King James translation of the Bible took place. Notable writers of the period were John Donne. Webster and Fletcher.
3. AUGUSTAN AGE : is the period between 27BC and AD 14 (reign of the Roman Emperor Augustus) when writers like Vergil and Horace were in vogue. In Britain, it applies to the period between 1700_1745 when writers like Alexander Pope, Swift and Addison who admired the Roman Augustans held away.
4 VICTORIAN AGE : is the period between 1837 to 1901 when queen Victoria died. Notable writers of the period are Mathew Amold. Alfred lord Tennyson, Charles Dickens and George Eliot.
5. EDWARDIAN AGE : is the period between 1901 and 1914 during the reign of King Edward ll. Notable writers of the period are Thomas Hardy, W.B Yeats and G.B Shaw.
6. AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT : is the age of the intellectual movement of the 17th to 18th century that believes in man's reason as been adequate to solve life's problems and that this will free man from all superstitious beliefs and barbaric behaviour.
7. RENAISSANCE : ("rebirth") is the name given to the period in European history, especially after the middle age, when the art of painting, sculpture and literature reached an extent that any civilization before it had not surpassed.
8. AGE OF RESTORATION : derives its name from the restoration of the Stuart line (Charles 11) to the English throne in 1660. This is an age that gave a lot of licence to literary writers after the ban placed on witty and licentious writing by the puritan regime.
9. SURREALISM : was launched in France in 1924 by Andre Breton. It had as its aim a rebellion against all restraints on free artistic creativity, in painting, sculpture and literature.
10. BEATWRITERS : are group of poets and novelists in the 1950s who were anti-establishment, anti-political and anti-intellectual.
11. CELTIC REVIVAL : is the creative period in Irish literature from 1885 to the death of William Butler Yeats in 1939. The aim of the revival was to create a distinct literature based on Irish history, legend and folklore.
12. MODERNISM :refers to the style in literature and art science the First World War. It has as its features a radical break away from traditional European culture in the area of religion,morality and perception of one's self. Some important thinkers of the period are Sigmud Freud and James Frazer.
13. EXISTENTIALISM: a modernist school, refers to the philophy which hold that man's life has no meaning; man finds himself marooned on a meaningless, orderless and hostile universe.
Some literature history ages revolving a person reign carries their names for instance Elizabethan age, Augustan and Jacobean period this connote together all notable writers groups with same ideology, culture, technological and historic trends of that time.
—in other words, a milieu—in which related groups of authors wrote.
Although, some ages in literature can't be vividly recall but some literary period event ranging from 1558 - 1649 can't be easily forego in the history of literary study due to remarkable rememberable events that took place in literature world that time.
-- However its very paramount for student of literature aiming distinction to master the historical ages and period of notable writers that has contributed immensely to growth of literature as updated below
1. JACOBEAN AGE : is the period that covers the reign of King James 1 (Jacobs in Latin) between 1603 and 1625.
It was the period of great development in prose writing. It was during the period that the King James translation of the Bible took place. Notable writers of the period were John Donne. Webster and Fletcher.
2. ELIZABETHAN AGE : is the period of Queen Elizabeth's reign between 1558 and 1603. Notable writers of the period are Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson, William Shakespeare and Spenser.
3. AUGUSTAN AGE : is the period between 27BC and AD 14 (reign of the Roman Emperor Augustus) when writers like Vergil and Horace were in vogue. In Britain, it applies to the period between 1700_1745 when writers like Alexander Pope, Swift and Addison who admired the Roman Augustans held away.
4 VICTORIAN AGE : is the period between 1837 to 1901 when queen Victoria died. Notable writers of the period are Mathew Amold. Alfred lord Tennyson, Charles Dickens and George Eliot.
5. EDWARDIAN AGE : is the period between 1901 and 1914 during the reign of King Edward ll. Notable writers of the period are Thomas Hardy, W.B Yeats and G.B Shaw.
6. AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT : is the age of the intellectual movement of the 17th to 18th century that believes in man's reason as been adequate to solve life's problems and that this will free man from all superstitious beliefs and barbaric behaviour.
7. RENAISSANCE : ("rebirth") is the name given to the period in European history, especially after the middle age, when the art of painting, sculpture and literature reached an extent that any civilization before it had not surpassed.
8. AGE OF RESTORATION : derives its name from the restoration of the Stuart line (Charles 11) to the English throne in 1660. This is an age that gave a lot of licence to literary writers after the ban placed on witty and licentious writing by the puritan regime.
9. SURREALISM : was launched in France in 1924 by Andre Breton. It had as its aim a rebellion against all restraints on free artistic creativity, in painting, sculpture and literature.
10. BEATWRITERS : are group of poets and novelists in the 1950s who were anti-establishment, anti-political and anti-intellectual.
11. CELTIC REVIVAL : is the creative period in Irish literature from 1885 to the death of William Butler Yeats in 1939. The aim of the revival was to create a distinct literature based on Irish history, legend and folklore.
12. MODERNISM :refers to the style in literature and art science the First World War. It has as its features a radical break away from traditional European culture in the area of religion,morality and perception of one's self. Some important thinkers of the period are Sigmud Freud and James Frazer.
13. EXISTENTIALISM: a modernist school, refers to the philophy which hold that man's life has no meaning; man finds himself marooned on a meaningless, orderless and hostile universe.
14. CAROLINE AGE : is the year between 1625-1649 when Charles I was king in England. Caroline is derived from "carolous" meaning "Charles" in Latin. Some of the writers of the time are Milton and George Herberts.
Some literature history ages revolving a person reign carries their names for instance Elizabethan age, Augustan and Jacobean period this connote together all notable writers groups with same ideology, culture, technological and historic trends of that time.
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